What is easier? Quitting or Moving Forward? In most cases, QUITTING a goal like exercise, a new diet, a new hobby is much easier than to keep it going. STARTING is easy because there is a plan and you make it work for a few days, a few weeks. Then after a few months, it gets harder physically, mentally. The mental toughness starts to creep in. It would be so easy to quit and fall back to the comfort zone. It's starting to be UNCOMFORTABLE because our mind and body wants to go... back to the comfort zone. This is the tipping point. This is where you need to embody the discomfort and get through the thoughts of wanting to quit. It's so easy to quit. It's hard to continue. Perhaps it's not going the way you want it to go. This is when you need the mental toughness to say, "stick it out, keep going, don't quit, keep moving forward, this too shall pass" Once you get through the clouds, the clarity will soon be in front of you. And soon you will have one fantastic view.